Intelligent Solutions

Smart Waste Management

Intelligent Solutions improves the management of waste collection, transportation and disposal operations. Smart Waste Management Solution plans the route for the collectors based on the filled or overflowing bins on priority and results in saving fuel and manpower costs.

Data-Driven Decisions

The data gathered from the trash bins will help reduce the timely pickup of the waste before they overload, and the Data analysis helps to identify and eliminate the incorrect waste management practices and it helps to plan and allocate the collection routes in more effective way.

Smart City Separation Station

Intelligent Solutions cares about the environment and encourages sustainable lifestyle. We have developed an economical solution for waste separation on the city streets to save valuable resources from dumping. Our Smart City Separation Station equipped with fill-level measurement system and environmental sensors sending reports on the current fullness level of different waste type containers. It becomes even easier to collect the recyclables, gather big data and create reports using the cloud software and mobile application.