Intelligent Solutions

Real-Time Insights

Intelligent Solution provides Video Analytics Solution (VA), which automatically analyzes the videos to detect and determine temporal and spatial events. Our Solutions detect and monitor surroundings and identify any changes around a set environment or towards key subjects such as objects, movement behaviors, and several other factors.

Transform Videos into Business Intelligence

There are various benefits of adapting Video Analytics into surveillance or monitoring system. Apart from having access to more advanced features, VA also unlocks its full potential by using several other functionalities like recognizing faces, counting the available subjects in view, detecting objects taken or left behind, and many more.



Group 132316

Video Smoke




Face Capture &


Intruder detection in restricted areas, illegal entry into secured zones in banks, stores, and plants, and entry or exit of a person or vehicle into a restricted area.

Camera Tampering

Sabotage attempts by vandals are detected and alerted. The security personnel can take necessary actions according to the situation.

Missing Object Detection

Detection of removal or theft of precious items like paintings hanging on a wall, critical asset protection, and artifacts protection in museums.

Loitering Detection

People loitering in malls even after closing hours; people or vehicles having longer dwell time in a restricted area; people persistent near critical assets.

Tailgating Detection

The solution detects unauthorized access at the mall entrance, gated communities, office premises, factories

Crowd Detection

Detecting illegal gathering of masses or getting alert for overcrowding scenarios in public places.

Video Fire Detection

Rapid detection of fire as an early warning for avoiding huge loss & greater impact due to fire hazards in oil & Gas plants, Critical infrastructure, etc.

Gesture Recognition

Intruder detection in restricted areas. illegal entry into secured zones in banks, stores, and plants.

Video Stitching

Used for enhanced monitoring of large indoor and wider outdoor areas like airports, railways, border security, large compounds, Traffic intersections, etc.

Heat & Flow Map

Used in finding personnel movement hotspots for product placement. It is used in layout optimization in Operations Management.